A thoughtful common sense approach that recognizes that you and your child's school team must work together to have your local school district, or if necessary a private school, provide an appropriate and effective education program for your child.
Our approach is based in the philosophy that believes that - for the sake of the child who must typically operate day-to-day in the school environment - professionalism, collaboration, negotiation and mediation are the best route to travel to a solution, rather than an overly combative or protracted litigious approach which may only complicate matters.
To produce this professional collaboration, your special education advocate helps you understand and negotiate the special education system from a position of informed strength created by four key factors:
1) an in-depth understanding of IDEA and Section 504 Plan requirements
2) a broad knowledge of special learning needs, their impact on education, and effective interventions
3) direct experience in school district administration and special education services
4) demonstrated ability, through the respect-based professional relationships we have built with school personnel, to work collaboratively to ensure the needs of your child are being met.
We seek to educate, support and encourage parents to become effective partners with schools in developing appropriate, individualized education programs for their children.